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financed real estate
development initiative

Why FBMtoken ?

The utility of FBM tokens is based on their use in the profit-sharing mechanism for the real estate development project. Investors who hold FBM tokens will be entitled to a percentage of the profits earned by the project, which will be paid out in FBM tokens. Additionally, FBM tokens can be traded with BNB coins, which can be used to finance the project.

FBM is a profit-sharing token that facilitates the distribution of returns from a Binance Coin

(BNB)- financed real estate development initiative. Its primary purpose is to track individual investor’s ownership percentage of the profits generated by the project.

Distribution Model
The community distribution of FBM tokens will be carried out through a combination of airdrops and token sales. The specific details of the distribution model will be announced closer to the launch of the project.

+ Other

Why FBM is so unique ?

BNB trusted cryptocurrency platform


The initial allocation of FBM tokens will be divided as follows: 50% for the project financing, and 50% for development distribution.

Numbers of tokens

The total supply of FBM tokens is set at 100 million.

Token type

Utility token.